Friday, June 14, 2024 • 9:30 am - 10:45 am - Session I
Translanguaging con las Sombras: First Grade Bilingual Children's Wonderments in Mathematics
Sandia III
Carlos LopezLeiva
Associate Professor
University of New Mexico
This presentation session describes the brilliance of a group of bilingual (Spanish and English) first graders exploring and animating the concept of geometric shapes through shadows and translanguaging. We share data about our experiences facilitating this work and how assemblages of wonder formed among children, objects, their shadows, and adults embedded in the process of physically and discursively making sense of shapes. We will discuss with audience how the shared ideas could be applied in classroom practice.
Translanguaging Pedagogy: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Translanguaging in Classroom Practices (early childhood, emergent biliteracy, dual language, STeAM, etc.)
Early Childhood, Elementary Educators
Identity and Translanguaging: Autoethnography of a Japanese American Woman
Sandia VI
Mika Leck
Adriana Cardenas
As a bilingual Japanese and American, my identity and sense of belonging has been shaped by language use. This presentation explores my lived experience through storytelling to illustrate how being hāfu (biracial) and bilingual in Japan was used by others to impact my identity formation through inclusion and exclusion.
Social Justice and Equity in Translanguaging Classrooms
Higher Education, Family and Community
Embracing Translanguaging in Cultivando Classroom Instruction Through an Intersectional Approach and Cosechando the Production of a Heteroglossic Space
Sandia VII
Minea Armijo Romero
Assistant Professor- College of Teacher Preparation, Administration and Leadership/ Bilingual Educationration,
New Mexico State University
This presentation provides an overview of the chapter "Embracing Translanguaging in Multilingual Ecologies: Cultivando Classroom Instruction through an Intersectional Approach and Cosechando the Production of a Heteroglossic Space" co-authored by Armijo Romero & Jurado. The presentation will highlight the experiences of implementation of the "Topografía" tool in pre-service and in-service bilingual classrooms in New Mexico.
Social Justice and Equity in Translanguaging Classrooms
Secondary Educators, Higher Education
Embedding Translanguaging Practices in ELD Instruction
Sandia VIII
Anya Bobadilla
Amanda Vanessa Noriega
Lead Professional Learning Specialist
California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
This session will share effective components of English Language Development (ELD) instruction in multilingual settings, based on research-based best practices, sociocultural competence, and the linguistic assets that our students bring to the class. Participants will focus on strategic planning across languages and experience a model lesson cycle including cross-linguistic transfer.
Translanguaging Pedagogy: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Translanguaging in Classroom Practices (early childhood, emergent biliteracy, dual language, STeAM, etc.)
Elementary Educators, Administrators
Friday, June 14, 2024 • 11:00 am - 12:15 pm - Session II
Transforming ESL Teacher Education through a Translanguaging Lens: A Three-Year Journey
Sandia III
Zhongfeng Tian
Assistant Professor of Bilingual Education
Rutgers University–Newark
This presentation features my three-year journey of working with a program director and teacher candidates to transform an undergraduate TESOL certificate program which was originally based on sheltered English instruction through a translanguaging perspective. Major lessons learned and suggestions for future teacher education program development will be shared.
Teacher Training and Professional Development in Translanguaging
Administrators, Higher Education
Afirmando las identidades bilingües a través de translanguaging literacies
Sandia VI
Maya A. Martínez
Edith Nava
Professional Learning Curriculum Specialist
WIDA-University of Wisconsin
Afirmando las identidades bi/multilingües es una forma de valorar the hybridity of latin@ children in spaces donde no somos “ni de aquí, ni de allá”. En esta sesión exploraremos how translanguaging literacies reflect students’ lived experiences y sus multiliteracidades while affirming their transculturalismo and linguistic practices.
Teacher Training and Professional Development in Translanguaging
Elementary Educators, Secondary Educators
Transforming Higher Education: Disrupting Linguicism in Teacher Preparation Programs
Sandia VII
Joao Goebel
Assistant Professor and Chair of ESL and Bilingual Education
National Louis University
This presentation explores the implementation of translanguaging practices in Teacher Preparation Programs. Through examples of supportive practices, I demonstrate how translanguaging can honor teacher candidates' linguistic backgrounds. Specific examples and strategies will be discussed to help teacher candidates reclaim their own identidad lingüística, serve as models, and disrupt linguicism.
Translanguaging Pedagogy: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Teacher Training and Professional Development in Translanguaging
Higher Education
Indigenizing Translanguaging in a Navajo Dual Language Space
Sandia VIII
Berlinda Begay
Bilingual Multicultural Education Coordinator
Central Consolidated School District
What does translanguaging look like in a Navajo Dual Language classroom? Navajo Dual Language teachers will share methods in their instruction showing Navajo translanguaging to achieve readers and writers in English and Navajo.
Translanguaging Pedagogy: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Translanguaging in Classroom Practices (early childhood, emergent biliteracy, dual language, STeAM, etc.)
Elementary Educators
Friday, June 14, 2024 • 1:55 pm - 3:10 pm - Session III
Empowering Bi-multilingual Voices: The Feminista Manifestation in Pop Music
Sandia III
Mishelle Jurado
Biliteracy Coach
MA Jurado Coaching and Consulting
This presentation delves into how contemporary pop singers express their feminist identity through Spanglish, Spanish, and English lyrics. It explores the use of translanguaging pedagogy and biliteracy strategies to enhance critical literacy skills, drawing connections to works like Sor Juana Inez's "Hombres Necios." Suitable for Spanish language arts classrooms and those exploring multimodalities for bi-multilingual secondary students.
Translanguaging Pedagogy: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Secondary Educators, Higher Education
Ubícate: El poder de Translanguaging - From Home to School
Sandia VI
Socorro Herrera
Kansas State University
This session explores how the intersections of biography-driven instruction (Herrera, 2022) and translanguaging theory and pedagogy (García, 2017) are utilized to uplift the potential for early childhood educators to leverage bi/multiliteracy assets of the home and community. It provides guidance on how to create spaces where the young child’s full “humanity” is shared, understood, and made part of the tapestry of learning without reservation. Participants will take away a framework and strategies for making translanguaging and experience bridging an interactional norm in the early childhood classroom.
Translanguaging in Classroom Practices (early childhood, emergent biliteracy, dual language, STeAM, etc.), Teacher Training and Professional Development in Translanguaging
Early Childhood, Elementary Educators
From Models Talk to Equitable Decision-Making Processes at All Scales
Sandia VII
Garrett Delavan
Assistant Professor
University of New Mexico
This presentation describes equity problems that come from models-talk—the ways the usual definitions of ‘program models’ control our conversations. Building on theories of translanguaging and students’ linguistic resources and repertoires, the audience will explore ways of rethinking their work for language equity around processes rather than models.
Social Justice and Equity in Translanguaging Classrooms
Elementary Educators, Administrators
Seeds of Understanding: Growing Bilingual Learners in Early Childhood
Sandia VIII
Lizdelia Piñón
Education Associate
Dive into how blending languages in early learning can open doors to both new languages and cultures. We'll share hands-on tactics, backed by research, to spark bilingual skills early on. Join us to chat about nurturing our next generation to effortlessly navigate our diverse world. Participants will discover practical applications, evidence-based benefits, and engage in a dialogue on shaping young bilingual and bicultural minds, paving the way for a more inclusive and interconnected world.
Translanguaging in Classroom Practices (early childhood, emergent biliteracy, dual language, STeAM, etc.)
Early Childhood